Make lasting improvements that can be measured and can drive other improvements over time.
We can work with you to transition from your current state to an improved, sustainable future state. We have all seen organizations where individuals are the catalyst for improvements that eventually erode after the individual leaves or is promoted outside the organization. Through our Improvement Facilitation services, we work with you to build a system for process and performance management, so you can continually improve. Our mutually agreed upon Improvement Roadmap not only identifies improvement opportunities and resource needs, but also prioritizes and sequences improvement opportunities into a plan to successfully implement recommendations. We can work shoulder to shoulder with your staff to develop, optimize, and standardize procedures to improve efficiency and effectiveness without creating choke points as you transition from your current way of doing things. We also work with your team to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress toward goals and to provide continual assessment of improvement opportunities. In addition to these improvement services, we offer various trainings and certifications to build your team’s bench strength.
“I have been in many schools and school systems; and, have never found another organization that can facilitate major change with real measurable results as LEAN Frog has done and is continuing to do. The more incredible aspect of the major changes is the buy in and acceptance of the employees performing the work.” – James M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Shelby County Schools